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John Barnard, 65 from Norwich, Norfolk, has always had a busy, active lifestyle, involving ski holidays, cycling events and golf days. He first discovered EMS training as a way to build physical strength to complement his active lifestyle as he got older. Four years on, EMS has become an integral part of John’s routine and the reason his “spirit feels energised”.

John began his journey with EMS training in 2016, after a free trial at EMS Fitness Norwich. “I’ve always been active and love going skiing and competing in cycling events,” says John. “As I got older, I needed to find something that would help me stay agile and less prone to injury while skiing.

“The first time I tried EMS it was like nothing I had experienced before. It felt weird but strangely effective,” recalls John. Four years on, John is still training once a week with PT Beatrice van den Heuvel at EMS Fitness Norwich.”

“I still see weekly progress and that feels so encouraging,” says John. “You don’t notice it happening day to day, but as you get older your balance and coordination aren’t as good as they once were. EMS helped me regain these. Not just that but my overall strength has really improved, particularly my core strength, which helps me with everyday life.

“What I didn’t expect to gain from EMS was a new-found mental strength,” adds John. “I truly mean it when I say my spirit now feels more energised. I so look forward to my weekly sessions, they give me a real focus and are a staple part of my routine.”

Following the announcement of a national lockdown in March, John was forced to take a six-month break from EMS. “When I had to pause my EMS sessions, I found myself feeling more lethargic and less motivated to be active,” recalls John. “It shocked me how, without regular EMS training, I didn’t feel as strong, physically or mentally. Thankfully in just five sessions after lockdown I felt my strength returning to the level it was before.

“I’m always trying to better myself and what I love about EMS is how the sessions can be tailored to whatever challenge I’m facing. If I have a ski holiday coming up, Beatrice will adapt the workout to focus on building lower body and core strength. If it’s cycling, we’ll work on more endurance-based training. It’s amazing just how versatile EMS can be

“Another real benefit is not having to use any gym equipment. For me, this makes it much less daunting than having to handle huge weights. I think a lot of older people would agree. EMS takes the intimidation of exercise away. It’s just you and your trainer who makes sure you are doing everything correctly."

“EMS brings it all together, like icing on a cake. The sessions are quick, but they take me to a different level of fitness and I really feel I achieve a lot in a short space of time. My physical strength has improved tenfold because of EMS training but most importantly my spirit feels alive!”

Make your spirit feel alive and request a trial session today by using our location finder!

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Source: EMS Fitness Norwich

©2021 Action Group & EMS-TRAINING.COM

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