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Certificate of professional competence also for personal use!

Fact Check

"From 01.01.2023, the following applies in Germany - the certificate of professional competence for the commercial use of EMS training. The operator must ensure that the person who uses EMS training (typically, a trainer or therapist) has the required professional qualification. If a client wishes to perform EMS training without direct supervision (e.g. outdoors or with a rented or provided EMS device at home) he or she is considered a user and must therefore also provide proof of professional qualification. For the general public this means an education of more than 100 hours!"


Verordnung zum Schutz vor schädlichen nichtionisierender Strahlung bei der Anwendung am Menschen (NiSV) / Regulation on protection against harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation when used on humans (NiSV). Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2018 Teil I Nr.4, ausgegeben zu Bonn am 05. Dezember 2018.

§4 (1) Der Betreiber einer Anlage muss sicherstellen, dass die Person, die die Anlage anwendet, über die erforderliche Fachkunde nach den §§ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 oder 11 verfügt. / According to §§ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 11, the operator must ensure that the persons using EMS have the necessary certificate of professional qualification.

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